TRUE STORY: FRIDA, THe Brave Mexican hero!

On April 12, 2009, a Yellow Labrador Retriever was born in Mexico named Frida. She was a very special dog trained by the Mexican Navy to do something amazing. Israel Arauz was her trainer and handler, a petty officer 2nd class in the Mexican Navy. Frida underwent rigorous training and exercise to become a search and rescue dog and to work for the Mexican Navy. She was trained to sniff and detect survivors of natural disasters, barking if she detected someone in need of help.

Frida was deployed to help in search and rescue missions in the aftermath of natural disasters. First, she was deployed in Haiti after a devastating earthquake in 2010. Equipped with her signature protective goggles, harness, and boots, Frida participated in the search and rescue mission along with her handler, Israel Arauz. She located 12 survivors and 12 deceased persons in that mission. Next, in 2013, a massive gas leak explosion occurred in Pemex Tower. Around 40 people died in that tragic accident. Frida took part in that search and rescue mission and found 8 dead bodies. Then, in 2017, a horrible landslide occurred in Ecuador, resulting in many deaths and missing persons. Again, Frida was deployed in the search and rescue mission in Ecuador, and she was able to locate 20 bodies.

Later in September 2017, two big earthquakes hit Mexico. Both earthquakes were very strong, with a magnitude of more than 8 on the Richter scale. Buildings collapsed, and many people were stuck under the debris. But Frida was ready to help. She put on her special gear, and with her handler, Israel Arauz, sprang into action. Clad in her signature goggles and boots, Frida fearlessly navigated through the rubble, using her keen sense of smell to locate survivors. Frida was like a superhero. She used her nose to sniff out people buried under the broken buildings. She worked really hard, and she found and saved 52 lives who were stuck under the rubble and needed help. Her bravery made everyone proud.

News about Frida’s heroic actions spread all over the world. People everywhere were proud of her bravery and commitment. She became an icon of aspiration and courage for everyone affected by the earthquake. Even after the earthquake was over, Frida kept on being a hero. She showed everyone that even a small dog could do big things. Her story inspired people to be brave and to help others in need.

Frida’s efforts were nothing short of extraordinary. Over the course of her career, she participated in numerous rescue missions, including earthquakes, hurricanes, and landslides. She took part in total 55 rescue operations and saved many lives. Her bravery and dedication saved countless lives and inspired people all over the world.

Frida’s heroism did not go unnoticed. She received numerous awards and accolades for her service, including the Dickin Medal, the highest honor for animals in wartime. Frida and her trainer Israel Arauz both were honored with a statue in the city of Puebla. Her story has won the hearts of millions, and she has become a beloved figure in Mexico and beyond.

However, behind the accolades and recognition, Frida remained humble and dedicated to her missions. She continued to serve as a search and rescue dog until her retirement on 25 June 2019, leaving behind a legacy of strength and dedication that will never be forgotten. After retiring, Frida remained in service, helping to train other dogs until she passed away on 15 November 2022.

And so, Frida’s story reminds us that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they have four legs instead of two. She showed us that even when things seem scary and impossible, there’s always hope as long as we have friends like Frida by our side.

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