Hello! to all the pet enthusiasts around the world. I hope all of you are in very good shape along with your beloved pets. Today we will know about a very special dog named Bretagne. Bretagne was a golden retriever, and she was honored as one of the unforgettable heroes of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of Twin Towers in New York City.  

Bretagne was born on August 25, 1999. Her owner and trainer, Denise Corliss, started her training when she was only eight weeks old. Denise Corliss was a volunteer firefighter with the Cy-fair firefighting department.  

On that catastrophic day, as soon as the Twin Towers fell, Bretagne and her handler, Denise Corliss, rushed to Ground Zero with full dedication and commitment to search and rescue the survivors. They were part of a squad of search and rescue dogs with the role to find survivors in the middle of the debris.

Bretagne’s job was to find and detect any signs of life buried under the rubble. She worked very hard and tirelessly, searching through the debris for days on end, alongside firefighters, police officers, and other rescue workers. Bretagne stayed strong and determined as she witnessed dangers and horrific events. Even when everything seemed hopeless, she maintained her optimism and never gave up hope.

Bretagne and Denise put in effort for long hours and they often had to deal with very tough conditions. However, their efforts were not in vain when they found a few survivors, giving hope to the rescue teams and the families waiting anxiously for news.

After days and weeks of searching, Bretagne’s mission at Ground Zero came to an end. Her courage and commitment earned her hero status, and she was feted upon her return home.

In the years that followed, Bretagne continued to serve as a search and rescue dog with Denise by her side. She also participated in search and rescue missions after the hurricanes like Rita, Katrina and Ivan, and discovered many survivors. She also served the community as a therapy dog, bringing comfort and joy to people in hospitals, schools, and nursing homes.

Bretagne retired at the age of nine, and after her retirement, she continued to serve as a reading dog at a community school. When Bretagne was there to offer a sympathetic ear, even the shy first graders felt comfortable reading aloud.

The tale of Bretagne touched the hearts of people around the globe. In the midst of sorrow, she became a symbol of inspiration and resilience, showing the world the strength of kindness, courage, compassion, and the inseparable bond between humans and other creatures.

Bretagne passed away in 2016 at the age of sixteen, but her legacy lives on. When Bretagne approached the animal hospital in Cypress, Texas, firefighters and search and rescue personnel from the firefighting department lined the pavement and saluted. Later on, as the search and rescue crews escorted her in a coffin covered in the Texas flag, the queue of firefighters renewed their salute and their badges were adorned with black bands.

Bretagne will always be remembered as one of the heroes of 9/11. She is a shining icon and reminds us the remarkable impact that one dog can have on the world. Bretagne’s story is a powerful reminder of the courage and selflessness exhibited by search and rescue dogs during times of crisis. Her bravery and dedication will never be forgotten.

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